Ek Kathak Aur Uski Kathayen

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Personal Attacks :(

I enjoy making personal attacks at Pearl. Stuff like
"You've got the brains of an amoeba" or
"With your personality, I'm surprised you're not an orange" and such other crap!

Today, I requested (read: begged) her to review an essay of mine, for my MBA applications, with deadlines early next week. There was one essay where I had to describe myself to the class. On reading that, Pearl tells me,
"Even a waterfall could describe itself better".

Damn. I don't know whether to be upset with her remark or to be happy she's learning to make personal attacks!


  • At 3:09 AM, January 08, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    :) im sure ur essay is great. and what did you expect? she is ur sister after all :P
    send me the essay too.. i want to read it too

  • At 9:10 AM, January 09, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hehehaha.. so the baby turned teenager is making personal attacks at you. Good going Pearl dear. :)
    BTW neither you nor pearl confirmed me regarding the use of 'tragedy'. How mean. I mean very mean of you both.

  • At 7:36 PM, February 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are tagged baby!


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