A monologue
Have I ever told you how much I loved you?
Maybe I never told you enough, maybe I can't tell you ever
Everything I have ever done, or will do had been for you alone
No, I did not mix my tenses with "will do had been for you"
Of course it has been for me also
But it always sought your approval... subconsciously
Because you meant a lot for me, more than anyone else could
I told you once, years ago...
I iterate and reiterate "no one can ever fill you shoes"
I could have fought the world for you... alone
Because you were my world, you were everything for me
You made me smile... laugh
You made me feel worthwhile... wanted... needed
Secure... invincible... respected... loved
You were my confidence
My back up plan... my fall back
My best friend - The worst critic
My Strength
My biggest weakness
Does loving you entail loving *everything*?
Do you know what love is?
Does it need courage? Or do you just love?
Is love another abstract, or is it tangible?
Can you love the dead?
Another obsession?
It all began with you - not just metaphorically
It all did end with you, once again literally
Is there life after death?
Do hero's make grand comebacks?
Do you really think you control everything in your life?
Life is best unplanned?
Does that also imply plans can go horribly wrong?
Like parasitic capacitances that were never on the designer's mind.
What if someone else writes the end - or the last chapter?
What if?
But the end of a chapter is not the end of the book
Will you make a comeback, back in the present tense
Will you come back to "are" from "were"
The game is not over... yet
Not the final curtain
It's never over till the fat lady sings
After all, the phoenix did rise from its own ashes
Can you?